
Chat app telegram
Chat app telegram

chat app telegram

Scammers flock to Telegram due to its widespread popularity and ease of use. Telegram scams are fraudulent schemes that either take place on the Telegram app or draw users off the app and onto a dangerous third-party site. So, what are the most common Telegram app scams to watch out for? And how can you tell a Telegram imposter from a legitimate friend or contact? What are Telegram Scams? How Do They Work? Scammers use social engineering tactics to trick you into giving up personally identifiable information (PII), such as your credit card number, Social Security number (SSN), or two-factor authentication (2FA) codes for crypto and social media accounts. Telegram scams are similar to fake text messages, scam emails, and robocalls you receive every day. But Telegram’s popularity - and its supposed high levels of security - have also made it a favorite among hackers and scammers.

chat app telegram

With over 700 million monthly active users, Telegram is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world.

Chat app telegram